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Skankiween October 21, 2007

Posted by Merujo in back pain, Halloween, unintentional (I hope) Internet crassness.

My back is killing me right now, which is why you haven’t seen squat from me lately. Give me a few days to feel better, and I’ll be more in the mood to write. Meanwhile, I found a link on Fark to an article decrying the increasing skank level of Halloween costumes for young girls. Fortunately, the handful of young kiddos who show up at my door in recent years all tend to go the angel & fairy princess routes, so I haven’t had to witness the skanktasm. And thus, I don’t have to be depressed about the continuing decline of one of my favorite holidays.

However, this post really has nothing to do with that story itself. It’s about the ad image that popped up, embedded in the article about scantily clad tweenie Halloweenies, next to a paragraph that opens with ” Women’s costumes are pervasively provocative…” In case the ad changes by the time you click the link, I’m posting it below:

The, uh, beaver screen shot…

I don’t know if it’s a coinkidink, but I chuckled an evil, evil chuckle over this. Shame on me.

Almost time for more pain killers. Whoo-hoo. Lemme just say this – if they continue to find new fractures in my spine, I’m gonna scream.