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A Cheat Entry from the Musical Time Machine (next to the Sick Bed) January 12, 2008

Posted by Merujo in music, nostalgia, the 70s, The Muse, videos.

My lungs and I are not cooperating this weekend, so the muse is taking a couple of days off to play blackjack in Atlantic City. In the interim, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite songs of the late 1970s – gather around kiddies for a little musical edjamacation, and, fellow 40-somethings, feel a little nostalgia for stringy haircuts and jeans so tight they may have caused peripheral artery disease!

First, one of my all time faves, 10cc with “The Things You Do For Love”:

10cc had Godley & Creme and Eric Stewart – the guys were no slouches. It’s got a good hook, and I put it on just about every mix I make.

And how about one of the coolest early (1978) new wave-ish songs around, Sniff ‘n’ the Tears’ “Driver’s Seat”:

Whatever happened to Sniff ‘n’ the peeps? Not a clue. Guess I could look ’em up on Wikipedia, but maybe it’s better to think of their fate as a mystery rather than find out they’re working the drive-thru window somewhere…

And, finally, a track that has everything right about it. “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding” was written by Nick Lowe (who also produced this track and “Armed Forces” the album on which this appeared in the U.S.) and performed by Elvis Costello and the Attractions. Just look at those skinny English boys frolick, and, damn, listen to that skinny English boy just belt that out!

That was 1979, when I think I really first started to listen to my own music, as opposed to whatever my sisters were listening to. I see Elvis in that tweedy overcoat with those huge eyeglasses and I swoon.

And then I realize that was how I dressed, pretty much the haircut I had, and the glasses I wore through much of the 1980s. Yes, I was a slave to new wave fashion. Men’s new wave fashion. Go figure.

Now, just for kicks, here’s a 2004 performance of “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout)…” by Elvis and Nick Lowe together. Slowed down, with a sweet harmony:

Back to the sofa with me. Hope you enjoyed the musical interlude!

More when the muse returns (hopefully with a couple hundred bucks and a hangover.)

Yes, I *am* a million years old September 27, 2007

Posted by Merujo in childhood, I am old, signs, the 70s, TV.

This song from The Electric Company has been going through my mind the past couple of days. I think it’s because the Sasquatch has been working on a grad school project on “wayfinding.”

This is sooo very 70’s… (And yeah, this is the sort of thing you hunt for on YouTube when you’re completely loopy on codeine-laced cough syrup. Ahem.)