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Shear Luck, or Getting Snippy with Me January 26, 2008

Posted by Merujo in beauty, being broke sucks, cultural differences, DC, hair, immigration, MoCo.

If the Sasquatch is to be believed, I never need a haircut. Never ever. That’s very kind, but sadly, untrue. I’m the princess of split ends, and, although I try to last as long as possible between trims, I eventually reach a point where I start looking like I’m sporting some kind of “homeless chic.” Ungood. So, I trekked up to ye olde Hair Cuttery today for a much-needed sprucing up.

Now, Hair Cuttery is a blessing for those of us with shallow pockets, but there are risks involved with discount haircuts. Namely, will you actually be able to communicate with your cutter? I think of this as Linguistic Russian Roulette. I take a deep breath and pray my stylist is a native speaker of English. Now, if you’re offended by that, I’m sorry, but I spent 4+ years getting my hair cut in Moscow in a second language, and sometimes the results were less than stellar. (I’m being kind.)

Let’s face it: I don’t have much going for me in the looks department – a bad haircut would be like the last nail in the beauty coffin. And so, I really like being able to clearly express my needs to someone for whom English subject/verb agreement is not an alien concept. The last few times, my hair has been spiffed up by this rockin’ chick from Jamaica who totally gets how to work with thick, wavy, frizzy, unruly locks.

And, dammit, she’s moved away.

Today, my choice was between someone who barely spoke English and someone else who barely spoke English. Beggars cannot be choosers, so I took a deep breath and chose Curtain #1. My stylist for the day was a middle-aged Korean woman named Sung. Her grasp of English was extreeeemly limited; she’s only been in the United States for three months. From what I deciphered, her husband, who speaks no English, hates the United States (he speaks no English, can get no work, and spends all day watching TV) and is returning to Korea on Monday. But they have a 15-year-old daughter in school here. Sung will stay with her. I tried to fathom the the visa situation that brought them here, but I have to admit I was nervously focused on my head.

In truth, Sung did a perfectly fine job with my hair, but our mutual inability to communicate well created uncomfortable situations when she started asking me inappropriate questions.

“How long you fat?”
“You have boyfriend? Husband?”
“Very bad you alone. Very bad. Need boyfriend now!”
“Bad for life be alone.”
“No dog? Cat?”
“Very bad!”
“I was fat. Lose 40 pounds.”

I congratulated her for her weight loss, which she announced – just like the rest of her queries and comments – at full voice to everyone in the salon. Then she started grabbing her gut.

“Had extra skin. Had to lose skin. Go to hospital.”

“Oh,” I said, “You had surgery for that?”

“No! No surgery. They… you know…” She massaged and pressed her belly.

Silently, I thought, “…squeezed the skin off? Did psychic surgery? Used duct tape?” But I just gritted my teeth and smiled.

An older, Santa Claus-ish man waiting up front kept looking my way with silent sympathy. I appreciated it, but I knew that, even if I said, “Look, you’re being totally inappropriate!” it would have had little effect. I don’t think she knew she was being inappropriate. I just closed my eyes and pretended to sleep while she dried my crown o’ frizz. At least she thought my new hair color (Light Ash Brown – no longer red, whoo-hoo) was my natural color. That was nice.

I know I can’t complain much, and I do not begrudge anyone the right to make a living. When you go to a discount salon chain, you know you are getting people who, by dint of language, technical skills, or experience, cannot get a job in a higher end salon. In the DC area, that most often means you will be served by a recent immigrant supporting her family and you may struggle to be understood. And they may struggle with our cultural mores and limitations. Like asking how long you’ve been fat. Feh!

Well, I knew the risks when I took the job, right?

I will say this – she only charged me $14. Usually, the native speakers of English will debate me on the length of my tresses and try to add $10 on to the tab for “long hair.” Cher has long hair, kids. I have shoulder length hair, thank you. Sung didn’t charge me for the blow dry, either. In the end, I figured that was my prize for having been lectured on fat and my inability to find a man.

Or a dog.

So, if you know a man (or a man with a dog) looking for a broke, fat, middle-aged writer woman, let me know. By Korean standards apparently, my shelf life expiration date is coming up pretty soon.

And here I thought I would be forever fresh, like a box of Twinkies in a bomb shelter!

I go to Hair Cuttery to learn, folks. Something new each and every time.

Freecycle can bite me November 17, 2007

Posted by Merujo in MoCo, stupidity, you can't win, you've got to be kidding me.

I’ve been a member of our local Freecycle group here for a while. A few times I’ve picked up interesting things, a few times I’ve been able to give things away.

Sometimes, because I’m in one of the wealthiest counties in the United States (a statistic to which I do not, I can guarantee you, contribute) you see pretty outrageous things posted in the “wanted” category, like:

– Anyone have a baby car seat for a Porsche Boxster? I’m a daddy now, but I don’t want to give up my real baby! So, if you have a spare of the one specifically made for the Boxster, let me know! (Hey, Daddy Porsche — if you can afford to drive your baby around in a Boxster, you can afford to go pay for the Boxster baby seat!)

– My maid is going to have a baby. I’d like to give her a bonus of a crib. Does anyone have one available? (OMFG, don’t be such a cheap-ass rich tightwad – pay for your maid’s bonus yourself! Get her a damn crib!)


A while back, some a-hole on the list actually listed one of his female friends as being available and not a bad choice. Har har har. Oh, the jocularity! Giving away a middle-aged single woman! (Were I his friend, I would have been pretty pissed to know he’d decided I was worthy of giving away on the “going to the dump, but still has some life left in it” list.)

Today, someone posted that she wanted a bookshelf for her daughter’s room. Aha! Well, I have three really old IKEA-style bookshelves (Target, circa 1992) down in the storage room. I wrote to her – twice – and her Freecycle-registered e-mail address failed. So, I posted a message to Freecycle, simply saying, “Re: Bookshelf Wanted – your e-mail address isn’t working – zap me a message, and these shelves are yours!”

Plain, simple, straight to the point. Someone needed something, I had something, her addy didn’t work, I did what I could to get my message across.

Believe it or not, the moderator for the group sent me a snippy message telling me this was “not a discussion list”, that my post would be deleted, and I should get in touch with this person directly.

Uh… okay, bubba… tried that.

I wrote back and said, “You’re kidding, right? Did you even read the message? I only posted this because her address didn’t work.” I’m just tryin’ to help a sistah out here, people.

Moderator wrote back that he’d read my message and that’s how he knew it wasn’t “appropriate” for his list. Appropriate? It’s not as if I wrote, “I’M SITTING IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER NAKED, SHAKING MY MASSIVE GAZONGAS AT THE SCREEN AS I WRITE THAT I HAVE 15-YEAR-OLD CRAPPY BOOKSHELVES AVAILABLE FOR THE WOMAN WITH THE BAD E-MAIL!! WHOOOOOOO-WEEEE! SHAKE ‘EM!!!” Apparently, if I’d just written “Available: bookshelves” and not said, “Hey, chick with the bad e-mail, I’d love to give you these for you kid!” that would have been fine.

Whatever. Frankly, nobody trying to do something nice deserves to meet Mr. Snippy Moderator.

Look, I run a mailing list, too. And I know when someone breaks the rules egregiously, you need to use a measure of discipline. But I also know you don’t smack someone around for trying to do something good or appropriate, especially when it’s a first offense.

But you know what? Life is way too short to deal with snippy people. Fuck ’em. Most of the people on this particular Freecycle list can afford their own stuff. I unsubscribed. Salvation Army can have all my old stuff, thanks. And the tightwads of Potomac can buy themselves Boxster car seats and cribs for their maids.

No good deed goes unpunished, kids!

To the stupid drunk girls… October 7, 2007

Posted by Merujo in drunks, MoCo, stupidity, thieves.

…who stole a bag of ice from the 7-11 on Randolph Road in Rockville tonight:

It’s not so much that you stole a four-dollar bag of ice, you dumbasses. It’s just frozen water, and 7-11 takes bigger hits every single day, I’m sure.

It’s the fact that you were drunk, driving around, slurping out of big plastic tumblers of something, after dumping your empty wine bottle in the convenience store trash can. I took a nice photo of it, by the way.

You both looked to be in your early twenties. I bet a crisp new DUI citation – and a conviction for misdemeanor theft – would be a lovely addition to a shelf of college trophies and your old prom pictures. There’s a framing shop just up the block from the 7-11, fyi.

Oh – and, it’s also the fact that you’re too fucking stupid to recognize that you are risking many lives (including your potentially worthless own) by driving like idiots while downing glasses of booze in your car. Yeah, you thought stealing a bag of ice was cute and funny. Bet you didn’t plan on the irritating middle-aged woman whose back was fucked up by another dumb-as-shit driver recently taking down your license plate number and giving your description to the Montgomery County police.

In a way, I guess we should all be glad you were brainless enough to engage in petty theft. That gave me the opportunity to help the police locate a drunk driver.

Hope you learn your lesson without anyone dying.


Also, I think you were listening to RATT or Poison. That’s a crime right there.